2011-2012 Curriculum

Here are the final choices for our 2011-2012 curriculum!

Bible:  Bible Study for all Ages
Reading:  Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading (Wise & Buffington)
Writing:  A Reason for Handwriting K
Math:  Horizons Kindergarten Math
History/Science/Art:  Five in a Row
And, of course, lots of reading out loud!

For Kindergarten, I plan to keep things basic and focus on Bible, reading, writing, and math.  This is our first year homeschooling and I want to avoid burnout for both Caleb and myself!  We are incorporating Five in a Row to add some fun hands-on activities into our day.

Lillian is almost 2 1/2 and while I don’t think it’s necessary to do “preschool” with her, I have focused time with her every day.  We will play, color, draw, read, paint, and use some of the resources listed below.  At this age, I believe that learning should be fun and not forced. 

Tot School Printables from 1+1+1=1
Toddler Calendar
Letter of the Week curriculum (later in the school year)
I also plan to participate in the Tot School link up every week.

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